Someone once told me that when it comes to art, there is no why.
I remember hearing that and thinking, Huh?
I had much to learn.
Art is supposed to evoke a feeling.
My art is inspired by Jackson Pollock.
He said, “The secret of success is to be fully awake to everything about you.” “It doesn't matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said.”
“Love is friendship set to music.” “Every good painter paints what he is.”
My interpretation of this is when you paint.
Live it
Be it
Feel it
Life comes at us sometimes like paint flying towards the blank canvas. We might not always be ready for what comes at us or what hits the ground or splashes on the walls or even misses completely. What it is, it is. What it will be, it was before you even started. So take it all in, let go what needs to be let go and hold onto what brings you joy and meaning. What we feel and what we experience is real. Your life is but a vapor. What is your life?
Thanks for reading
Philip Burrow